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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    \ ‘Exhibit LAS VEGAS LAND AND WATER COMPANY GENERAL CONDITIONS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR DRILLING TWO 16 INCH WATER WELLS EACH APPROX­IMATELY 1200 FEET DEEP IN LAS VEGAS LAND AND WATER COMPANY'S WATER FIELD AT LAS VEGAS,NEVADA. SECTION NO, 1 - GENERAL CONDITIONS: The General Conditions as hereinafter set forth shall apply to all Specifications used in connection with this work. COMPANY ENGINEER AND CONTRACTOR DEFINED: The word "Company” or "Land Company" shall designate the Las Vegas Land and Water Company. The word "Engineer" shall designate either the Acting General Manager or the Engineer of the Land Company as its authorized representative, and the word "Contractor", the contracting party to whom work is awarded. WORK INCLUDES; The Contractor shall furnish all necessary materials, superintendence, labor, tools, plant equipment, and means of construction for and to drill, drive, finish and complete two water wells at Las Vegas, Nevada, in the most expeditious, sub­stantial and workmanlike manner to the satisfaction of the Engineer, using cable tool method. TIME OF COMPLETION; Account urgent need for additional wells to augment ex­isting water supply, in Las Vegas, Nevada, the Contractor shall work twenty (20) hours per day, seven days per week, on each well simultaneously. Before submitting his proposal and bid for this work, Con­tractor shall examine the existing site and familiarize himself with local conditions. The Engineer will survey the well site, setting all necessary stakes, all elevations, permanent bench marks, etc. CONTRACTOR TO EXAMINE SITE SURVEYING SITE; -1-