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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 m ?our lot and obtain water in that way instead of hooting up with :he water company? u So, it wouldn’t, I happen in my time to hawe drilled about ISC rella-not myself, but m had two rigs going. My experience ie :Uit like Corra&etti’s well—it is useless at a flowing well and l0 arc some of the other well®. There Is one across «ifth Street* klMoet all flowing well, if you get eight or tern inches in the 3f three or four years, they go down to two or three Inches, IE, SSITOls !8jt are the average depths of the wells you have trilled? 4# From 300 to 1100 feet* One of our biggest wells In the Talley about 309 feet and w4 have drilled 1100 feet and didn’t get snob, jfhe most unsatisfactory part abcut drilling & well is that you ffiight spend a thousand dollars and not hare a start, iE, m TTHi The other wells drilled in the vicinity around you, how about them? A,' Mr, Lawson*s well flows about six or seven inches of water and X doubt if it flows much over one and a bald inches now and Oorra— detti*» well across Fifth Street, back of that Court ther®~the Boulder 'Court, r believe, | think it is practically dry, ME, MoKAttZSt By dry, you mean it isn’t flowing? MR, SMITH* The well in Bap’s Court, a short distance from you, is a new one? 4. Yes, j believe so, Q, He made the statement to us that it m s a very food well and thought it would be sufficient if he didn’t waste any water and confine his service to his own lots, that there might be enough to supply water for that entire division# You ddft’t think that a wail of t h a t nature could bi drilled on your aide? A, It is problematical, I do know that regarding Mr. Jap’s wall, that he went 800 to 850 feet i M that la where ha got a good flow, ME. MoVAMSIi Boss he pump? A, X don’t believe so, but he u*e* a pressure pump to get the pressure into the districts that he serves, $ don’t think he pump* ME, FOLCIRt I t 1® my understanding that he pumps continuously in 10