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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    Los Angeles, February 16, 1943 7334 Mr. G. C. Fish: Replying to yours of February 13th, in connection with materials used on Work Order Nos. 2013 and 2029, Las Vegas: With my letter of August 6, 1942, I attached state­ment showing quantities and sizes of casing applicable to eaoh of the four wells, Nos. 7, 8, 9 and 10. Work Order No. 2013 authorized the drilling of Wells 7 and 8, and Work Order No. 2029 the drilling of Wells 9 and 10. Accordingly, it is our thought that distribution of the cost of the casing as between the two work orders in question should be made on the basis of the actual quantity of casing that went into each well rather than on the basis of 50^ to each work order. While your letter refers to 992.58' of 10-3/4" - 45.5# casing, we assume this is part of the casing received from Wilmington on Wilmington requisition LV-172, and, if so, using an average cost of 1360.51 per C ft., the following amounts should be charged to the various wells: No. 7 216.61' $ 780.90 No. 8 282.33' 1017.83 No. 9 *215.92' 778.41 The balance >of the casing should be charged as follows: To LV Store 14.38' $ 51.84 To Wilmington Store 263.34' 949.40 Total $3578.38 Frank Strong • I 3s