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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    Las Vegas - December 4, 195& | 1-4^1 act Mr. V. W. Smith Mr. G. M. Bates - Los Angeles Mr. L. A. White We have obtained from the County Assessor, 1952 License Plates for the followings Licenses Laa Vegas Land and Water Company Vehicles! License Number Vehicle Amount T-6245 1947 Chevrolet Stake $22.95 T-6246 1949 International Pickup 5.00 f-623-5 1950 Chevrolet Pickup 16.65 30327 19^8 Qldsmobile 5.00 Licenses Union Pacific Hallro&d Yehioles„ La#.. f 69.60 Ve&afi. I License Number Vehicle Department Amount T-6220 19*6 Dla. f. Stake Water Service 139.60 f-6226 191*9 Stude Pickup Water Service 5.00 T-6234 191*6 Chev. Pickup $ el ©graph 5.00 T-6223 1944 Dodge Stake Stores 24.75 f-609& 191*7 Intern Express f* W S 5. 0.0 f-6222 19i*7 Dodge Express Water Service 5.00 f-6219 191*7 Ford Stake Water Service 25.20 T-6233 1948 Chev. Stake &X SO % « Me ^’e 25.70 T-6225 1949 Stud Stake B & B 31.50 T-6232 1949 Chev Dump Sec Gang #35 f-6231 30.15 1951 Chev Subur Engineering 16.65 f-6229 1951 Chev Stake Car Dept 22.50 T-6230 1948 Chev H.L. CD Car 29.70 T-6228 1951 Chev Subur Crew Dispatcher 17.10 T-6224 1942 Dodge Pickup Store 16.20 T-6221 1950 Plymouth Subur D.C.A H. 5.oo T-6218 1952 Stud Pickup Mech 5.50 f -6227 1946 Chev Pickup Pump er- Moapa I6.65 1-6445 1951 Stud ChaseIs & Cab Water 27,00 1946 Fcr d Pickup Boad Machinist 5.00