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    (a.) B a F C d e p o s i t e d . StS9S ot nOB©'/ wit'h fOU m advances for t m s<mstmeilon of water flttina or (b) have &s their own ©scpthse constructed and / . j'.,’ ’, to fou water raaina* to serve properties,. laming fifwdopfd tar than wiijtot to refund of the cost pursuant to the- rules and regulations of the Water Ocmi&nF* the 'amount subject to'refitfid pursuant to such aimte*8ti, less the amount of refunds’ heretofore paid shall .-be credited to acid purchase prise pi fwo Million Five 11andred Thouaead vollara (la#500*000*00]* Said contracts will be assigned to the District and the District will assume all ala m i m e s under said contracts# tbs amount of s w h credit shall be determined and the assumption of such liabilities shall be a* of a da to to be rautu®f. ip agreed, upon* As regards to the last paraipftt h w page | of f o o t proposed letter to Kr* Ko' flames# concerning: sifb^fttFegreph of the contracts In question are Water Somi-anf ag rCege)r*s enAts# -asleals © pursuant to old Hule IsWA and come pursuant to new I suggest reference to thee© agreements be changed to resdt *- - - relative to those adteacee |$ Sufrileiders and others# for construction of water Bains# ShhJ ©ft tc refund pursuant to the bate? Oon:-.anj/,s rules and regulations which X Ik- ve felt » *» f* II* Johnson