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Las Vegas City Commission Minutes, September 21, 1955 to November 20, 1957, lvc000010-77


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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    Las Vegas, Nevada December 7; 1955 A regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners of the City of Las Vegas, Nevada, held this 7th day of December, 1955 was called to order at the hour of 7.35 P.M. by His Honor Mayor Pro Tem Whipple with the following members present: Mayor Pro Tem Reed Whipple Commissioner Wendell Bunker Commissioner E. W. Fountain Commissioner Harris P. Sharp City Manager A. H. Kennedy Asst. City Mgr. R. W. Notti City Attorney Howard W. Cannon City Engineer George E. Wade Planning Director Franklin J. Bills City Clerk Shirley Ballinger Mayor Pro Tem Whipple announced that this was the time set for public hearing on the appeal of the granting of the variance to Lloyd Skrenes for O.M. Kulien and Elmer and Esther Simila to construct an off-street parking lot to provide patron parking for adjacent commercial and professional buildings on property at the Southeast comer of 11th and Bonneville (Lots 1 and 2, Block 2, Mary­land Tract No. 2) in an R-4 zone. The Mayor announced that this variance had been granted by the Commission on November 2, 1955 and an appeal had been filed November 14, 1955. Mrs. Jeanne Houssels, representing the owners of Maryland Park Manor Apartments was present and objected to this variance. She said that she had checked the parking on this street during various times of the day for the last two weeks, and there seemed little need for off-street parking. Mr. James C. Young, representing Mrs. Olga Shields, property owner in the area, was present and also opposed this variance. He said that Mrs. Sheilds had made a substantial investment in the City and was planning to make her home here. Lloyd Skrenes, Vaughn Holt and Dr. Robert Morrison spoke in favor of the rezoning. Mr. Holt presented a petition signed by twenty-three property owners in the area who are in favor of the variance. He stated that there are thirty property owners, two are protesting, twenty-four were contacted and did not object, and the other seven are unavailable. Thereafter Commissioner Sharp moved this matter be held in abeyance for further study. Motion seconded by Commissioner Bunker and carried by the following vote: Com­missioners Bunker, Fountain, Sharp and His Honor Mayor Pro Tem Whipple voting aye; noes, none. Absent: Mayor Baker. This being the time set for the opening of Bid No. 55*21 for the furnishing of two prefabricated buildings, one for the Cemetery and one for the Garage, bids were received from the following firms: General Builders Utah Crane & Rigging Las Vegas Mahine Co. Sierra Construction Co. Commissioner Sharp moved the foregoing bids be referred to the City Manager and Director of Public Works for computation and recommendation. Motion seconded by Commissioner Fountain and carried by the following vote: Commissioners Bunker, Fountain,Sharp and His Honor Mayor Pro Tem Whipple voting aye; noes, none. Absent: Mayor Baker. This being the time set for the opening of Bid No. 55.26 for the furnishing of Fire Fighting Equipment, bids were received from the following firms: Seagrave Corporation American La France Corp. Crown Coach Corp. Mack Fire Apparatus Commissioner Bunker moved the foregoing bids be referred to the City Manager for computation and recommendation. Motion seconded by Commissioner Sharp and carried by the following vote: Com­missioners Bunker, Fountain, Sharp and His Honor Mayor Pro Tem Whipple voting aye; noes, none. Absent: Mayor Baker. The Commission considered the request of Earl Hartke for an extension of 90 days on his variance for the installation of a service station on the comer of 25th and Owens. Commissioner Bunker moved this request for 90 day extension be granted. Motion seconded by Commissioner Sharp and carried by the following vote: Commissioners Bunker, Sharp, Fountain and His Honor Mayor Pro Tem Whipple voting aye; noes, none. Absent: Mayor Baker. VARIANCE - V-36-55 Public Hearing on Appeal Kulien & Simila BID NO. 55.21 Prefabricated Steel Buildings BID NO. 55.26 Fire Fighting Equipment VARIANCE - V-9-55- Earl Hartke