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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    Los ^ngeles, September 35, 1936. 9315—3—W Mr. Leo A. McHamee: Regarding f i li n g on water developed at new wet;^.frttn* subject your le tte r September 3rd: I t w ill be about two weeks before well is completed! however, as soon as possible we w ill advise you the amount of water produced. The 2.5 c . f . s . file d upon by the Railroad heretofore is su fficien t as this amounts to 1,615,680 gallons per day, while average use is 535,000 and maximum use from 800 to 850,000 gallons per day; therefore, in my opinion Railroad does not require additional water. I t is suggested that LVL&?/ Company f i l e upon the entire amount that w ill be developed, dividing the amount 50$ fo r municipal use and 50$ fo r irrig a tio n . cc-Mr. F. 8 . Mr. E. E. Mr. R. Knickerbocker Bennett^ Bracken H. L. Adamson m i.