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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    dated November 10, 1953, with Thomas A- Campbell, providing for construction of water mains to serve a portion of Scotch Eighty Addition, Las Vegas, Nevada, as follows? A 6" cast iron pipe line commencing at a connection with an existing 6” steel pipe on north side of Edge-wood Avenue approximately 32' east of the east line of Rancho Road, thence westerly a distance of approximately 50* to a point in Rancho Road approximately 18* west of the east line of Rancho Road, point of ending; and An 8” cast iron water main commencing at point of ending of above described 6” cast iron water main, thence southerly in Rancho Road parallel with center line thereof a distance of approximately 380' point of ending, including 10 LF of fire hydrant connections at the northeast corner of Rancho Road and Waldman Road; and WHEREAS, parties to said agreement desire to change the location of said water mains? THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the action of Vice President Reinhardt, on behalf of this Company, in executing acceptance of letter agreement, dated December 16, 1953, be­tween said parties, covering change in location of said water mains to provide that said water main in Rancho Road shall be constructed along line approximately 7* west of east line of Rancho Road, instead of 18’ westerly of east line as provided in said agreement nNnL.D. 2740; in all other respects said agreement to remain unchanged; be, and the same is hereby, ratified, approved and confirmed. On motion duly seconded, It was RESOLVED, that the action of Vice President Reinhardt in accepting on behalf of LVL&WCo. Revocable Permit, dated December 22, 1953, from State of Nevada-Department of High­ways, granting this Company permission to relocate, maintain -2-