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IAS VEGAS EVENING REVIEW-JOURNAL June 3, 1937. : V Ai/AS ; 5: ?VK.-l UX.;*V'v • „ • j The'Bdardof, eoriiniiSsioners of the: City df lias Vegas do ordain: fgMl j jrasejEi&rfl.' jXJJaj! parcel of Isma lying ; •• Street and GasS 1 Street ; ;and itnmediatMy ^#erai or f I South Main Street, as the said Main j ! Street is now: constructed, which- said parcel’ of land was }iefejisfore/used- gs. j a portion - of South Main /Street as I formerly constructed hut > having been I abandoned Upon the construction or! (? South .Main. Street as it now exists. ; which said parcel of land is more - datticulUrly described as follows.: ) ;. Beginning at a point 'ori- the West - [ u property -line i Of South Main Street « 1 -128: feet’ Southerly from ; the/north- ; I west, corner, of tho South Addition . ? to the City of Lias Vegas, as shown •• I by Snap thereof on file- in Book 1 { of Plats, page. 51. ? in.itlih office,.bf;i j the County Recorder of Clark Coun- ? " ty, Nevada; ''???> . 1 - & t IS | ' ? ThCnee, following. § ? the .• westerly / line of said street as now con- i struoted -as .foliow-s: Southerly on a . j curve of 420 feet radius to the left;:' a distance of, 244,3feet;" ? • Thence;-South 5" 2G' Bast 112,5 ! feet t td. ian' ; intersection. with . the ; j Northeasterly line" of -Lot "A” of I said : South Addition, which said 1 X JltMlUC V1 hi I- ^ v. -Ja‘; vir'^- < ? S f e^t Va;lb%g the I^orthda^erJy Mne. of ; J said hot - “A" to tile North corner -of".said I.ot "A”: ’ ’ v-tV," ,v> Wji I Thence- North 2T° -45 East with the : West line of-said Main Stfeei, as - -'shown by plat* 'of srlid South Addi* •'lion, 182 feet to the point ofbegin- !! iviiig. isS ,>! ifhbre,by abandoned and vacated as-a; street ? 6f public s thUrUu^ifardv'' .f. 1 SectiOii 2. An emergency' IS hereby declared to exist and this Ordinance is passed' as an Emergeuey Ol dinunco and t.fie aa me Shall be ,iu fuil fOrce and effect immediately after'dte 1*#!%. age a:id publication as required by US® '.- , JJ - ? ,• - : This ®iWcigfency Oi'dinance:. ' aioiid ? ih full!: PS*. tl» first time, pro - - posed and" coilsiftered, and voted Upon | ’ thif 27st!ii day of’ IVIay, *987. i-i Vote-oil the' passage of this, ordir j . MaydrT'bf • the City or- La$ . Vegeta, Kftvafla.a'. , t x