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    Patent Nn.Appltraium iQOM .4.0..... A c r g g n ^tatr of Nroafca QJn AU to Ultom (Lbtst Prmnto g>hall (Cuntr, (Smting: W l f ? r r a 0 , . = = = . T J Z A ....s a s x i £ z = ...........................• /--------- ,-------L IN 301K ____________ County. ....1..... v............. ;.KE.YADA..;i'j...........l...................has deposited with the REGISTER OF THE STATE LAND OFFICE at Carson City the STATE TREASURER’S RECEIPT, whereby it appears that fu ll paym ent has been made by the sa^-................................. T.XZA....STEWART-:............... ............. according to the provisions o f an oAct o f the Legislature approved dLCarch 12, 1885, entitled “oAn eA ct to provide for the selection and sale o f lands that have been or m ay hereafter be granted by the Zlnited States to the State o f Tfevada, and the edicts amendatory thereof and supple­mentary thereto, for„.q.uar.t.e.r....Qf....Uo.r..tli...E.a.s.t,..q u a r t e r ..of. .Sec.t.ion...E if.teen (.15)., o f ufevada, which said tract has been purchased by the said------ T i?,a .....Stewart-................... (HjjFtrffltr, iKtUtttt That the State o f dTevada, in consideration o f the prem ises, and in conformity with the eA ct o f the Legislature in such cases made and provided, has given and granted, and by these presents does give and grant unto the sa id — ------- ^JS Iz a ....S t e w a r t _ _ ---------- and to.h e r ....hem, the said tract above described, to have and to hold the same, together with all rights, privileges, immunities and appurtenances o f whatever nature thereunto belonging, unto the said.--.-.....;..... .......T.lza....S tew a rt - — ............and to.h e r ...heirs and assigns, forever; provided, that all mines o f gold, silver, copper, lead, cinnabar, and other valuable minerals which may exist in the said tract are hereby expressly reserved, e x c e p t g a s , c o a l , o i l and o i l s h a le s (C hap. 1 7 2 ,S t a t s . 19 2 1) . Jtt (Heattmnng IJljm of, f ,.,,....... _.T ,. B..,. BAL.ZAR..—.••................ , governor o f the State of S>tatr ffiiattb ISogiotor