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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    ? MEMO I Los Angeles, C a l., oct. 21,1908. Judge K elly: preight Claim O ffice. Claim 15347 | 15605 M 15606 Weights on Coal from Rock Springs. T a r iff No. U*. < j p. G. P. p. L. A.. c. C. No s. L. No 0. 10498 & S. L. Rate 1995. 2167-A Issue Ho. 48. T a r iff provisions: RULES AMD INSTRUCTIONS. "MINIMUM WEIGHT w ill he the marked capacity of the car except when same exceeds space capacity in which event actual weight w ill govern.- Box. cars of marked capacity of 80,000 pounds w ill he considered of marked capacity of 60,000 pounds; hox cars of marked capapity of 100,000 pounds w ill he considered of marked capac­ity of 80,000 pounds, except, on shipments of SLACK COAL, when cars are loaded to their f u l l v is ib le capacity, actual weight w ill govern. On a ll the above, the maximum weight MUST not exceed Ten Per Cent Above jbhe marked weight capacity. CHARGES MUST BE ASSESSED BY USING WEIGHTS OBTAINED BY WEIGHING OVER TRACK SCALES AT PDINT OP ORIGIN, SUBJECT TO MINIMUM WEIGHTS AS PROVIDED ABOVE. In weighing coal, B illin g Agents must show gross tare and net weights on a l l w ay -b ills ±n the usual way and must indicate in. every case whether actual or marked tare is used. Shipments oovered by such w ay -bills must not be reweighed.*