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s upon the request of the consumer or for other reason, no further inspection will be made for a period of six (6) months; provided, however, the Department may order an inspection at any time if conditions warrant. Buie 12. D isputed bills consum er’ s evidence o f payment. In case of dispute as to payment of a bill previously rendered, the consumer will be required to present the receipted bill, cancelled check or other evidence of payment before adjustment can be made. B uie 13. Dam age claims. The consumer shall promptly notify the Department of any damage to his premises or property caused by or resulting from the operations of the Department; such notice should be by telephone to the Department office, 425 Mason Street, Prospect 7000, and confirmed by writing. No claim will be considered where proper notice has not been given or where evidence of such damage has been destroyed prior to the Department having been given opportunity to inspect the same. B uie 14. Interpretation o f Buies and B egulations. In the event of any question as to interpretation or application of any Buies and Begulations, the ruling of the Public Utilities Commission shall be final. (As adopted May 1, 1944. Besolution No. 6116.) I hereby certify that the above is a true and correct copy of the Besolution No. 329-A passed and adopted by the Public Utilities Commission at the regular meeting of such Commission held on August 14, 1933, together with subsequent amendments including Besolution No. 6116 adopted May 1, 1944. (Signed) B. J. MACDONALD, Secretary. c a se o f c o n c e a le d le a k s in underground or unexposed p i p e s , f u l l e x c e s s may be allow ed f o r such two b i l l i n g p e rio d s * ( c ) Not more than one a llo w a n ce w i l l be made to the same consumer f o r the seme p rem ises in any tw elv e month p e r i o d . (d )N o allow an ce w i l l be made on account o f leakage in c o n n e c t io n w ith s e r v i c e outs i d e o f San F r a n c i s c o , e x c e p t , when in the judgment o f the Departm ent, e x ce p - tijonaI c o n d i t i o n s j u s t i f y allow ance I and th en o n ly f o r c o n c e a le d I o i k s in underground or unexposod p i p e s . In thjat e v e n t an allow ance may be g ranted ba^seo on from f i f t y to one hundred per c e n t o f th e e x c e s s d e l i v e r y c o v e r i n g not more than two c o n s e c u t iv e b i l l i n u - p e r i o d s in clu d in g the b i l l i n g p e r i o d in which the c la im was made. This p r o v i s i o n s h a l l not apply to consumers r e c e i v i n g supply f o r d i s t r i b u t i o n or r e s a l e through t h e i r own indep en d en tly o p e r a te d water system s. The Depsrtment s h a l l be the s o l e juoge in d e te rm in in g the e x ce s s d e l i v e r y due to le a k a g e . (As ad op teo February |3, 1945 - R e s o l u t i o n No. 6 5 8 3 ) 30 ( Sheet 2 o f 2)