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Sale of Witer: has ?i® 8 ** June 13th, 1935* . * 23-5 :f c . f^r’M|m f$|B? Mr. 7, IT, Knickerbocker, General M mager, has Ih ! ^ California* Dear Sir: Referring to our conversation last night In reference to the water situation here, I find there ie no change f!r«s that explained to yon* In the early morning there wm a smll tricle of water earning over the aplll-way at the reservoir, indicating It m s then fall, hot at 10:30 this morning the trickle had disappeared and the water m s lowered In the reservoir t least 10 Inches* ’Jhe pump on the sell at the roundhouse was ran ofttll late last night, then out off until early this nearr ing when it m s again started* In e on for one e with Messrs* Mor- ley and Henssler at noon today. Mot ley a- vised there Is no farther need of paying 3 hours extra for m i n to nance of this pump, and he will arrange to. operate same 24 hours per day wlthout any mlntehonoe other than that which will be given by himself and Hennsler* I will therefore advise Brig Young that -r* Morley will look after this pump In the future* We are still working with the Mayor and City Corn* mlssioners for passage of ordlnnee regulating sprinkling and waste of water, but have been unable as yet to get them to take Immediate action* Am arranging for certain publicity this afternoon in the "Review-Journal" which X hope will have some effect with the patrons who are using and mating water* Will keep you advised daily of the situation* Yours very truly. Bey - wfM ¥a I&J& K. BRAiSST Yio e-Pr© sident*