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Las Vegas City Commission Minutes, February 17, 1954 to September 21, 1955, lvc000009-67


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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    RESOLUTION ACCEPTING R/W DEED Cashman Drive RESOLUTION ACCEPTING R/W DEEDS Rose Street RESOLUTION ACCEPTING R/W DEED Alta Drive RESOLUTION ACCEPTING R/W DEED Eastern Avenue a) W. Dail and Clytee Phelps, dated March 31, 1954 b) First Methodist Church of Las Vegas, dated March 23, 1954 c) Colorado River Exploration Co., Ltd, dated March 24, 1954 d) L. W. Cochran and Walter Allan Taylor, dated March 27; 1954. e) Harold J. and Geraldine Stocker, dated March 29, 1954 to the City of Las Vegas, County of Clark, State of Nevada, and that the real pro­perty described therein be and is hereby accepted for the purposes and intentions as therein set forth; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a copy of this Resolution be attached to said deed and that the same be recorded in the office of the County Recorder of the County of Clark, State of Nevada, and filed in the records of this Board. A deed for street purposes on Cashman Drive, Lacy Lane and Hastings Avenue was pre­sented to the Board at this time for consideration. On motion of Commissioner Whipple duly seconded by Commissioner Jarrett and carried unanimously the following resolution is adopted and order made: BE IT RESOLVED, this 7th day of April, 1954, by the Board of Commissioners of the City of Las Vegas, County of Clark, State of Nevada, that the deed, dated the 11th day of March, 1954, executed by Jack and Lottie Wollenzien and Al and Leona H. Wendelboe to the City of Las Vegas, County of Clark, State of Nevada and that the real property described therein be, and is hereby accepted for the purposes and intentions as therein set forth; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this Resolution be attached to said deed and that the same be recorded in the office of the County Recorder of the County of Clark, State of Nevada, and filed in the records of this Board. Deeds for street purposes on Rose Street were presented at this time to the Board for consideration. On motion of Commissioner Whipple, duly seconded by Commissioner Jarrett and carried unanimously the following resolution is adopted and order made: BE IT RESOLVED this 7th day of April, 1954, by the Board of Commissioners of the City of Las Vegas, County of Clank, State of Nevada, that the deeds dated and executed as follows: a) Charles B and Evelyn C. Smith, dated March 31, 1954 b) Desert Housing, Inc., dated March 25, 1954 to the City of Las Vegas, County of Clark, State of Nevada, and that the real property described therein be, and is hereby accepted for the purposes and intentions as therein set forth; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a copy of this Resolution be attached to said deed, and that the same be recorded in the office of the County Recorder of the County of Clark, State of Nevada, and filed in the records of this Board. A deed for street purposes on Alta Drive was presented to the Board at this time for consideration. On motion of Commissioner Whipple, duly seconded by Commissioner Jarrett and carried unanimously the following resolution is adopted and order made: BE IT RESOLVED this 7th day of April, 1954, by he Board of Commissioners of the City of Las Vegas, County of Clark, State of Nevada, that the deed dated the 15th day of March, 1954, executed by Simon Perliter and Emily Perliter to the City of Las Vegas, County of Clark, State of Nevada, and that the real property described therein be, and is hereby accepted for the purposes and intentions as therein set forth; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a copy of this Resolution be attached to said deed, and that the same be recorded in the office of the County Recorder of the County of Clark, State of Nevada, and filed in the records of this Board. A deed for street purposes on Eastern Avenue was presented to the Board at this time for consideration. On motion of Commissioner Whipple, duly seconded by Commissioner Jarrett and carried unanimously, the following resolution is adopted and order made: BE IT RESOLVED this 7th day of April, 1954, by the Board of Commissioners of the City of Las Vegas, County of Clark, State of Nevada, that the deed, dated the 8th day of March, 1954, executed by County of Clark, State of Nevada to the City of Las Vegas, County of Clark, State of Nevada, and that the real property described therein be, and is hereby accepted for the purposes and intentions as therein set forth; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a copy of this resolution be attached to said deed and that the same be recorded in the office of the County Recorder of the County of Clark, State of Nevada and filed in the records of this Board.