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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    1965 Mr. A. 0. Bitter - Omaha e o 2 Mr. W, C. Perkins - Omaha Mr. C. M, Bates - Los Angelas Mr. V. W. Smith - Los Angeles In order to settle the difference of opinion as to the location of the Korth line of Railroad property in the Jp of Sections 29 and SO, of 1?. 20 S., R. 81 E., M.D.R.&M. in Las Vegas, Clark County, Nevada, which difference le an out­growth of the sale to the Las Vegas Valley Water District, it was agreed by both parties to have a survey made by an outside registered engineer in State of Nevada. Mr. Frank 0. Rathbun Jr., was engaged to make the survey which was completed April IS, 1955, certified by the City Engineer and recorded as Document Bo. 47587 on May 25, 1955 on Page 86 in File 4 of Regiatared Professional Engineer’s Surveys of Clark County Nevada Records. Attached for your record and information is one print of map of said survey. W. h. Johnson jiilp B 8pBiMsp811lljp ^ jiiiS ^ ^ ii !§§i§| ( B S H H I | J| Sg | 43 8 1 : I : - v ' \: : : I ' . \ 1 : &$??: Los Angeles - July 2 6 , 1-7554