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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    Las Vegas - April 29* 1952 W 18-1*13 A Referring to your letter of March 20* file 1-7334 oonoerning Proof of Application of. Water to Beneficial Use authorized under Well Permit 12460* covering the drilling of the Las Vegas Ranoh Well: I have gone over the data necessary to complete the attached form with Mr. G. H. Jameson* Well Supervisor of the Las Vegas Artesian Basin* and recontme d the following answers to the enumerated questions? Mr. Vm» Reinhardt — Los Angeles 1. Wm. Reinhardt, Vice-president Las Vegas Land and Water Co. 422 West Sixth St, Los Angeles 14, Calif. 2. lea — Las Vegas Land and Water Co. 401 South Second St. Las Vegas* Nevada Vice-president 3. 12460 4. Underground source in the Las Vegas Artesian Basin. 5* Water is conducted from well thru 107 feet of 2* pipe and hy open ditches to a 115,000 gallon capacity earth reservoir from which it is distributed by a system of irrigation ditches to cultural area. 6. Permit was issued to Las Vegas Land and Water Company, 401 South Second St., Las Vegas, Nevada 7. Irrigation of cultural crop, 8. 0.11 second feet. 9* January 1 to and Including December 31• 10 . No.