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On Se p t e m b e r 30* AT the s p e c i a l bond e l e c t i o n * p r o p e r t y owners w i t h i n the L as Vegas Va l l e y Wa t e r Di s t r i c t must make a v i t a l d e c i s i o n REGARDING A NEW WATER SUPPLY* The L as Vegas Land and Wa t e r Compan y, which for I4.8 y e a r s has been ENFRANCHISED TO SUPPLY WATER TO THE CITY, BELIEVES THAT ITS OBLIGATION AS A PUBLIC UTILITY DEMANDS A STATEMENT OF ITS POSITION IN RELATION TO THE FUTURE OF THIS AREA* T here is no q u e s t io n b u t t h a t a water sou rce s u p p l e m e n t a r y to the UNDERGROUND BASIN MUST BE MADE AVAILABLE SOON* THE WATER TABLE HAS BEEN GOING DOWN AT AN ALARMING RATE* HUGH ShAMBERGER, STATE ENGINEER, RECENTLY DISCLOSED THAT DURING 1952 DISCHARGE FROM THE BASIN EXCEEDED NATURAL RECHARGE BY AN AMOUNT AVERAGING AT LEAST 9*000,000 GALLONS PER DAY* Be s i d e s th e i n c r e a s e in the r a t e of d e p l e t i o n , t h e r e is e v i d e n c e THAT THE RATE OF PRODUCTION IS AT OR VERY NEAR A PEAK. THUS, IF MORE WELLS WERE TO BE ORlLLED, THE OUTPUT OF EXISTING WELLS WOULD BE LOWERED AND TOTAL PRODUCTION WOULD BE ABOUT THE SAME* BY ITSELF, THE BASIN CANNOT MUCH LONGER MEET THE NEEDS OF THE PRESENT CITY, LET ALONE PERMIT ITS GROWTH OR SERVE OTHER COMMUNITIES in th e Va l l e y * There i s only one p o s s i b l e new source of s u p p l y , and t h a t is Lake Me a d . T here is o n l y one f e a s i b l e way of g e t t i n g L ake Mead water INTO THIS AREA, AND THAT IS THROUGH THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN OFFERED BY th e L as Vegas Va l l e y Wa t e r Di s t r i c t , a p u b l i c c o r p o r a t io n organized AND EXISTING UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF NEVADA. 1