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X completed, except by order o f the Engineer. Cleaning Up Surplus pipe lin e m a te ria l, to o ls , and temporary structures s h a ll be removed by the C ontractor, and a l l d ir t , rubbish, and excess earth from excavations s h a ll be hauled to a dump provided by the Contractor and the construction s it e s h a ll be l e f t clean , to the s a tis fa c tio n o f the Engineer. C h lorin ation B efore being placed in s e r v ic e , a l l new water d is tr ib u tio n systems, or any valved se ctio n o f such water d is tr ib u tio n system, sh a ll be ch lorin ated in manner approved by Public Health A u th ority having ju r is d ic tio n . T ra n site Pipe Where a p p lic a b le, the fo r e g o in g S p e c ific a tio n s s h a ll apply to la y in g T ran site Pipe as in d ica ted on drawings. T ra n site pipe s h a ll be handled and in s ta lle d by Contr a c to r as recommended by Manufacturer! c " In s t a lla t io n Manual" DS S eries 332. B locking may be used i f in s ta lle d in accordance w ith above manual. Salvaged Pipe Contractor s h a ll salvage and reco n d itio n a l l tra n s ite and cast iro n pipe, which is to be removed as in d ica ted on drawings and in s t a ll in a new lo c a tio n portion s as in d ica ted . Balance o f salvaged pipe s h a ll be recon dition ed and hauled to R ailroad Company Store Dept, in Las Vegas. Contractor s h a ll secure su itab le equipment fo r sa lva gin g e x is tin g tr a n s ite pipe and in s t a llin g in new lo c a tio n , and extreme care s h a ll be exercised to prevent breakage. 7/11/46 -5 -