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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    Las Yagas - June 4, 1943 I 1-1-2 Supplementing ay letter May 13th oonoerning pro* posed sale of our remaining aoreage on North Main Street where the trainmen1a oottagee are located. In accordance with our telephone conversation, I discussed with Superintendent rich the advisability of disposing of this land at the present tine and disposition to be made of employe*s shacks located thereon, le agreed that the cottages In •The Grove" would have to be moved some time and in view of the City*a plans to open North First Street, probably the present Is as good a time as any. In the event that no other favorable site is available, these oabine would be located Just outside the shop yard fence where the Jape* houses used to be before they were demolished. Nearing in mind the present shortage of rooms for our employee in Las Vegas at the present time, I have arranged with the proposed purchasers to permit the present lessees to occupy the premises for at least another year. In the event plans are carried out before that time to open First street, then the oabins will be re-located in "The Grove" Just outside the limits of First Street. I have dleouseed this with several of the lessees In “The Grove" and understand this will be agreeable to them. As a matter of form, 1 enclose herewith a letter from Mr. Cahlan under date of June 3rd committing himself and associates to thle understanding. Mr* Frank strong: