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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    N i \ R epairin g leaks in 18-ineh pipe. lo s Angeles, C a l., Aug. 2, 1905. F ile 613. Mr. A. I . Jones, D iv isio n Engineer, Las Yegas, le v . Dear S ir : I wired you la s t evening th$t A. H. Branson who la id the 18-inch Yegas pipe lin e v/ould leave /it'he same evening fo r Vegas to overhaul the pipe and endeavor to mtop the leaks. Young Mr. Tallarday o f the firm who furnished some of/the pipe and by whom Brans on ,is employed at the pipe works, w illf g o out today to in v e s tig a te the f ic u lt y . He w i l l take some mor|? metal bands w ith him and a lso some I r e l i e f va lves to put in the p i m as i t is p o ssib le the leaks are occa­sioned by a ir in the pipe which sets up water ram. I t may be that 'sailerday w i l l c a ll on you fo r some of the r e l i e f v a lv e s you had ovlj* from those got fo r the Cottonwood lin e . He w i l l remain but a day or w o , but Branson is to stay u n til the pipe is working p ro p erly. The l a t t e r now goes out to t r y and get the pipe in working order, so do not put him at any other job i f he has to w ait a day or two while cement jo in ts are s e ttin g . Please keep in touch with th is work y o u r s e lf as I b e lie v e th at w i l l tend to advance matters and secure b e tte r r e s u lts . Yours tr u ly , I EGT-LRT Chie f Eng ine e r .