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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    C%ass of Service •"?T This is a full-rate Telegram or Cable­gram unless its de­ferred character is in­dicated by a suitable symbol above or pre­ceding the address. XE 1201 ](1 W. P. MARSHALL, President SYMBOLS DL= Day Letter NL=Night Letter LT=Int’l Letter Telegram VLT=Int’l Victory Ltr. The fiiieg ? shown in the date toe on telegrams and day. letters | STANDARD TIME at point of origin. Time ol receipt is STANDARD TIME | point of dest,nation 1 A1 SI SSQ206 0eCYA020 58 C0LLECT=C ARSON CITY N EV 29 11 1 3Aj IlAS VEGAS LAND & WATER C0= ?lasVEGAS NEvi 1952 SEP ?9 AM 11 35 V-RATES RULES AND REGULATI ONS FI LED BY LAS VEGAS LAND . WATER COMPANY TO BECOME EFFECTIVE SEPTEMBER T 19 52 || Consisting of original sheets 1 to 13 inclusive are i [accordance with the order of the first judicial distri IcOURT IN COURT DOCKET 1884 5 AND THIS COMMISSION l § S .DOCKET 127 AND THEREFORE BECAME EFF EC TI VE: S EP TEMB ER 1 PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION OF NEVADA^';.' AND B 1 9 52 1 15 1884 p | h S 127 1 1 9 52=' TH E COM PANY W IL L APPRECIATE! SUGGESTIONS FROM IT S .FATltUINS UONCERNING ITS SERVICE1