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    21 "Two bidders, Standard Wholesale Supply Company and Badger Meter Company, are tied for second low bid at a total price of $52,699* Both the Rock­well meters offered by the Standard Wholesale Supply Company and the Badger meters offered by the Badger Meter Company are acceptable and comply with the specifications* It is recommended that lots be drawn between these two bidders, in accordance with the usual practice of the Board, to determine the bidder to whome the award will be made. /s/ W. C. HEN SHAW” Director Rosevear suggested that the contract be awarded to Standard Wholesale Supply Company, since they were a local firm and maintained a local payroll* There was an extended discussion of the desirability of awarding to the local bidder in case of a tie. In response to a question, Attorney McNamee expressed the opinion that it would be safer to draw lots as recommended, in view of the fact that there was no provision in the specifications for giving preference to local bidders. Director Thorn explained that while he was in favor of giving business to local concerns, he felt under the circumstances where it had not been provided for in the specifications, the District might be open to criticism and he would favor drawing lots. Manager Renshaw then explained his reasons for not favoring preference to local bidders in the case of meters, pointing out that the practice would probably result in all of the manufacturers having to bid through local dealers, which could be expected to raise the cost. Director Miller suggested including a provision in future specifications to give preference to local bidders in case of ties. In response to a question, Manager Renshaw stated that he did not recommend such a provision in the case of meters for the reasons he had given previously. Director Cornwall joined the meeting at 4:15 P* M. President Campbell reviewed the previous discussion for the benefit of Director Cornwall, and then stated his position, namely, that while he felt every consideration should be given to local firms, in this case where the specifications did not provide for a preference, and the outside bidders had spent considerable time and money in preparing and submitting their bids, he would be in favor of drawing lots. Director Cornwall mentioned that the matter had been discussed on several other occasions, and that he also favored giving business to local concerns, but not unless the bidders were notified in advance. He felt that we should not ask the out­side bidders to come in and spend time and money submitting bids unless they were ad­vised of this in the specifications, therefor he would be in favor of drawing lots* A motion was duly made by Director Cornwall, and seconded by Director Thorn, that the bid of the Viking Supply Company be rejected and lots be drawn between Stand­ard Wholesale Supply Company and Badger Meter Company to decide the award. The Directors were polled with Directors Campbell, Cornwall and Thorn voting aye, and Directozs Miller and Rosevear passing their vote. Director Miller noted that he was passing his vote since he was distantly related to one of the bidders.