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OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS TH O M A S A . CAMPBELL PRESIDENT SPENCER L. BUTTERFIELD LAS VEGAS VALLEY WATER DISTRICT VICE PRESIDENT W ILLIAM COULTHARD 9 0 0 S O U T H 5 T H S T R E E T SEC'Y-TREAS. HARRY E. MILLER E. O T T O UNDERHILL JAM ES C A S H M A N JO H N BUNCH LAS VEGAS, NEVADA fNtgf Three *»? i m substantially fn th® lam attached hereto, mwkmd frfitMf 85A-1 and maim m pmt lm m f0 which a&mmmt District agrees ** ******* dmoltenawisly wlliir fit# execution of a dMNaf fani agreement covering f l * subject matter of this proposal. (* ) All of the wehw distribution facilities new owned m i operated by has Vega* bond and Wot# Company and which If owns m i operate* m m public water utility fn ifm City of has Vegas, Nevada, m the sate dote, m§ d l autemo~ ?tee, shop m i eteor equipment, materiel* and supplies b^fenflrag te la* Vegas tewd *»*d Water Company m i wmi In te# operation #f mid water vilify. If I* understood teat the set4 distribution system te he conveyed te III# District teaM include ell distribution feel Jiff** conveyed te m mmAfructed by las Vega* Land m i Water Company prior to the tale date under contract* made pursuant te tele f of the totes ami legutetteii* of the La* Vega* Lend end Watts- Company m R I# with die Pyfefie Sendee Commission of the Stele of Nevada, end duller rotes. The « % af the District te purchase the ptepirtfat above mentfetted 1$ subject te the condition te# te* sold lolboad Companies shell agree, by e covenant running with tee lend, that m water welt shell he drilled or dug te a depth exceeding m m hundred ftff|j§ feet upon any tends mttmi fey teem tether teen tends described te pore®reph (a) above) i« Sections W a 28, W$ 3®, SI, IS, 33, end 34, Township !§ loath, Hang# 4l late, M .D .I* ft. M* (except such P tends within tote section* as Re within the boundaries of tee shop grounds at hereinafter d®~ fined) ter« term of fifty (# | year*,, The term shop grounds m used te this proposal shell mean these lends hounded m the west hy « line parallel te sent! t ,4®® feet westerly of tee westerly fine of Mate lire # te tern City m the east hy tee westerly line of sold Main Street, on tee north hy fcmenee k m i, m i m tee teeth hy Chertestois boulevard. j j 2. A* eontfdareiiOn few tee convoy***®* te tee District id the properties referred te te paragraphs (a) te (* ), inc testy®, above, te# ffistrtet shell pay te such of you as ail #f ym shall detente Two Mllten five Hundred Dollars ($2,3®®,®®®.®©), horetedl# celled ‘'’hade purches© prim *, subject te tee ad|u*mants hereinafter staled, 3. There shell he added te tee basic purchase price te he paid hy the District tee. following wmm&rn 4ft All payments mode hy any i f you at any ten* and tee east i f ell materiel hanl'teod hy you te contractors ter work pertermed during tee 1, 1^52, te end including tee sale date, endm contract* executed by any