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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    M g a m M M m Petition by Lai Vegas Lea Angeles, California, 431 Pacific Ileetrl© Building, September 11, 1931, Reconsideration- Matter of Increased Hates filed Land and Water Company, 1, A 3, Locket 5£. Public Service Commission of Nevada, Carson City, Nevada, Attention- Hon, 3. F, Bhamftnesay. Bear Mr, Shaughneseyt On behalf of Las Vegas Land s M Water Company I am eneloa- Ing you original and two copies of Petition for Maconsidoration of certain portions of the Order made and filed by your Commission on August f8th, 1931, in which X have referred particularly to the matter# we wish reconsidered, and submit that portion of the testi­mony in the record applicable to and which wo believe sustains our contentions. You will not© our prayer requests that w© be permitted an opportunity to appear before your Commission in this natter on the 18th of September, 1931, the time noticed by your C©emission for the hearing of other matters la which we are interested, in order to argue the reasonableness and Justice of the requested changes• X mm today mailing a copy of this petition to Mr. Roger Foley at Las Vegas, Sfovada, the attorney of record for protestents. Yours very truly, cc— Mr.KogerFoley, Las Vegas, »®v V* 'W'Y iiM i F, H. McNamee ?m2 I I B~cc— Mr, Hals tod (with copy) ^ttoi'ney for Las Vega© Mr • Kn I ckerb ocker Mr ,R.L. Adamson Mr.Walter Bracken n Mr.Leo A.XaNamee w and--Wator Co,