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    TFLEGRAM ? n y j . T im e F iled . .M SYMBOL X C L A S S O F S E R V IC E R E Q U IR E D P x 4k P re fe r r e d Im m e d ia te d e liv e r y Dx D ay D e liv e r y d u r i n g '^ y N x N ig h t D e liv e r y b y n e A m o m r fig ^ ^ In d ica te b y X in p r o p e r lin e t h e c la s s o f s e r v ic e re q u ire d . p r e fe rr e d v ic e w ill TJUCfc- _ Los Angeles, Juae“I ? t 19 J. Gorham - Xaa Tegas Get in touch with Assistant Engineer McKee at Las Tegas Friday morning and have him run line of lev els from old Forehay around curve to new location of settlin g basin and locate d efin itely the settlin g basin taking a l l necessary lev els and measurements* fhere i s a bench mark on southeast corner top o f concrete w all of Forebay elevation 2094*76 and line should he run from end o f curve Station 91 plus 33*1 to location of settlin g basin so that grade lin e can bo laid and exact length o f 24” wood stave pipe ascertained. In accordance with sketch, 24” lin e w ill enter se ttlin g basin 19* from present 12 n spring lin e, which distance may have to be changed* Have McKee either send in notes promptly to me or give them to you to transmit here* A-994 H* C* Mann HGMiPS