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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    MEMORANDUM To: R. L. Adamson: Referring to the question as to facilities served hy electrical current through Circuit #1 and Circuit #2, as reported by Maintenance of Way forces at Las Vegas: In an effort to determine definitely -which of the water facility motors are Included in electric meter read­ings referred to above* following is information developed in conversation with Mr. Cotmire of the ment, Las Vegas: Electrical Depart­Mr. Cotmire advises that in recording the electric meter readings monthly he records them as readings of meters bPoaanredl. #1,H e Pasntealte s§2,. athnadt Panel #3, etc., across the entire Panel #1 is the lead-in panel, Panel #2 records the current used on electric circuit serving Charleston Boulevard hroeusserev ooinlry ,and Bonanza Village pump­Panel #3 serves Reservoir #1, wells and all other motors in the water field. In order to & efinitely tie-in the panel number with the circuit number used in the Maintenance of Way reports, and Incidentally to definitely establish which facilities are served by each of the so-called Circuits #1 and #2, I obtained from Mr. Cotmire the folllwing meter readings taken in September, October, November and December: Los Angeles - March 9, 1951 1-7334 :MeSteeprt emb er October November December :Read- KWH :Meter KWH :Meter KWH :Meter KWH :Read- :Read- :Read- :_ing_ Used: ing Used : ing Used ing Used Panel #2: 4681 • 450: 5131 428 • : 5559 423 • : 5982 Panel #3: 9044 ? 1371: 0415 778 • :1193 524 :1717 Using the readings indicated in the above tabulation and the amount of current consumed as a guide and referring to tabulation in this file, data for which was obtained from Main­tenance of Way forces, it seems to be definitely established