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upr000192 52


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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    Las Vegas - December 16, 1953 W 23-1-119 Mr. ¥a. Reinhardt - Los Angeles cot Mr. R. L. Adamson Attached please find one print of drawing showing Twin Lakes Village Unit 2 Subdivision, Las Vegas, Nevada, which I have dated December 16, 1953- Twin Lakes Village Unit 2 is an extension to Kters Sub­division Nevada-1 and la being constructed by the same people who constructed Heers Subdivision Nev&da-l, the difference in names of subdivisions being due to the fact that the Hters Brothers constructed Heers Subdivision Nevada-1 under a co-partnership dba Hears Associates of Nevada and the Twin Lakes Village Unit 2 is being developed by Twin Lakes Village Xno«, which is the same group exoept that they have incorporated subsequent to the development of Heers Subdivision Nevada-1. The attached map of Twin Lakes Village Unit 2 is being sent you with the idea that Mr. Adamson may wish to plat this subdivision on his map in advance of information which I will furnish relative to water lines to be constructed therein. 1 have an application for extension of water mains to serve Twin Lakes Village Unit 2 from Twin Lakes Village Inc., and will furnish you, for Mr, Adamson*s use, data on water mains to serve this unit at a later date. Xou may retain this map in your files. End. LRM:rr L. R. Maag