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upr000061 137


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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    dohedule of Mater »%rTice Hates: ? lir* 0# C* Barry, Auditor, •?Dos Armeies, Gal* Dear Sir: la accordance with your mailrrara 2-134 of Soy ember 7th, file 31) 23-1, I attach three copies of schedule of water rates in effect prior to Oct* 1, 1931. The wholesale rate now charged for water sold at Das Vegas is 8 cents per 100 cable feet to all com­panies except the Boulder Dam Syndicate; their rate is 5 cents per 100 cubic feet, with a $100.00 per month mininiQia# The wholesale rate trior to October 1, 1931, was the same as at present* Yours truly, J*- W4M3B B, BHACZBf Vic e-Presi dent•