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Los Angeles* January 13th* 19^9 Hr. Prank Strong: Pursuant to your request and through the courtesy of Montgomery (k Co* Xne*, the engineering fire that designed end supervised oonstruotion of the Basic Hagneslun* Xno* ester system, 1 «b enoloslng herewith: 3 00pies of the Montgoaery Qo. letter of Beotaber 21* 15M*3„ with estiaatss referred to therein! 3 prints of the nap furnished by you upon whloh we have noted looatlone of the various facilities contemplated* terelnal preasuree and other data* fhe system is designed in accordance with area* quantity and terelnal preeeure requirements euhwitted by you and pipe line looatlone oonfore with those noted upon the sketch aap furnished* Pipe line and pimping facilities are dsslgnsd to provide: S6 M«G*P*0* oapaoity for delivery to a reservoir and treating plant to be located in vicinity of the intersection of present Street and Charleston Boulevard; 10 M.C.P.D* capacity for delivery thence to the LVLdW Company water producing field for distribution through the existing systsw; 10 u.C.P.B* for delivery northerly from the reservoir and treat** ing plant - 6 M.O.P.D* to the Arey Airport with terelnal pressure of 35-lbe* and b M.a.P.O. to Berth Lae Vegas Area with like terelnal pressure; 6 M.eup.s* oapaoity to the southerly area with terelnal pressure at the County Alirport of 9§»lbs* Our satinets of cost in the anount of $9,58k*ooo.oo it submitted with the following consent: (1 ) this is a purely preliminary estiaate Bade without field survey* it being understood that an approxlnate cost figure is desired to enable consideration of weans of financing the project* (2) a s you pointed out in furnishing data* the terelnal quantities here used are subject to revision upon accumulation of data as to present and anticipated requirements to the various areas. It would seen that* with conservation of the underground supply to i# effected by Btetrlet Control* the quantity requirements may be reduced*