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    ? - 2 * MINUS ITEMS TO BE DECOCTED* Sec.10(a) Unrefunded amounts subject to refund as of June 30, 1954, under con­tracts made by Li,V0Ls& W»Co0 for additions and betterments to and extensions of its said distribution system, pursuant to Rule 9 of the L.V.L.& W,Co. or similar rules L contained in the Rules and Regular tlons of the L.V.L.& W.Co., pre­viously filed with the Public Serv- /f ice Commission of the State of Nevada, per details in ledger turned over to the Water District July 1, 1954 See.10(b) Water facilities in place September 1, 1952, retired subsequent to September 1, 1952, per details shown on Supple­mentary Statement No. 2 attached Sec.10(e) Difference in ledger value on June 30, 1954, of automotive shop equip­ment and material and supplies per details shown on Supplementary Statement No 3 attached Sec.10(d) Advance payments for water service credited to Account 261, "Miscellane­ous Unadjusted Credits'* of the LoV.t* & W.Co. on June 30, 1954, for water service, per details on copy of Form 26, "Monthly Report of Water Service Accounts - las Vegas Office" turned over to the Las Vegas Valley Water District upon completion of June 1954 calculations « Sec,10(e) Amount deposited June IS, 1954 by Dan H, Plunkett covering the estimated cost of constructing water main under contract Audit Number 10765, made pursuant to Rule 9 per detail on sup­plementary statement No. 4 attached $832 828.92 382.01 6 480.36 19 780*87 2 083.00 Other deductions Charges collected for water service connections, not installed to June 30, 1954, per detail on supplementary statement No. 5 attached. , 2 155.00 Total Deductions from basic purchase price 863 7^0 Amount due Las Vegas Land and Water Company $2 317 274 .'®t, NOTE* The above does not include taxes and escrow charges which will be pro­rated between the parties in accordance with provisions of Sections 6 and 7 of the contract, Auditor8 s Office, Omaha, Nebr., July 26, 1954.