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Las Vegas City Ordinances, March 31, 1933 to October 25, 1950, lvc000014-20


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    Section 7. Permits for licenses shall be renewed annually upon the filing of the ver­ified application required by Sections 3 and 5 of this ordinance. Section 8. All licenses provided for in this ordinance shall, when issued, be issued for a period of one year, and no license shall be issued unless the applicant shall have first procured a permit for a license as hereinbefore provided and shall have paid the required license fee. Section 9. No license, either wholesale or retail, shall be issued to any person, firm, corporation, co-partnership, association, social club, or association of persons of any kind whatsoever, unless the applicant or applicants shall have an established place of business in the City of Las Vegas, is or are citizens of the United States, and registered voters of the State of Nevada. Section 10. The rates for the licenses provided for in this ordinance shall be, and the same are hereby fixed and established and the same shall be paid by all persons receiving such licenses respectively, as follows: For a retail liquor or beverage license the sum of $40.00 per year, provided that retail drug stores or grocery stores shall not be required to pay more than $30.00 per year for such retail liquor or beverage license, and provided further that drug stores and grocery stores shall not be permitted to sell, serve, distribute or give away any liquor or beverage except in unbroken packages not to be consumed on the premises. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm, corporation, co-partnership, associa­tion, social club, or association of persons of any kind whatsoever, owning, in charge of, or employed, in a retail drug or grocery store handling liquor or beverages under such license at such reduced price, to sell, serve or give away or cause or permit to be sold, served or given away therein any liquor or beverage to be drunk or consumed upon the prem­ises; and it shall be unlawful for any person, firm, corporation, co-partnership, associa­tion, social club, or association of persons of any kind whatsoever, owning, or in charge of, or employed in such retail drug or grocery store handling liquors or beverages under such license at such reduced price, to cause, permit or allow any liquor or beverages to be drunk or consumed on the premises thereof. For a wholesale liquor or beverage license, the sum of $50.00 per year. Section 11. In addition to the license tax in this ordinance provided, there shall be paid to the City of Las Vegas an excise tax of 4 cents per gallon for each gallon or fraction thereof of any liquor or beverage authorized or permitted by this ordinance sold, served, distributed or given away. The payment of said additional tax shall be made monthly by the wholesaler selling, distributing or giving away the liquors or beverages in this ordinance permitted to be sold, distributed or given away, and shall be paid to the City Clerk of the City of Las Vegas or other person designated by the Board of City Commissioners of said City to collect the same, on or before the 5th day of each month, on all sales made during the preceding month. Any person, firm, corporation, co-partnership, association, social club, or association of persons of any kind whatsoever, engaging in the wholesale distribution of liquors or beverages, as herein defined and permitted, shall keep full, true and correct books of account setting forth in detail the date of sale, amount of each sale, to whom such sale was made, and where delivered, and shall at all times allow the Board of City Commissioners or such person as said Board may designate, a free and full inspection of said books; and said wholesaler as herein defined shall furnish for inspection any and all expense bills showing in detail the amount or amounts of liquors or beverages received or purchased for resale, together with the date of receipt thereof, from whom purchased, and how and by whom delivered. In the event retail liquor or beverage dealers engaged in the business of selling, ser­ving, distributing or giving away liquors or beverages, as in this ordinance defined, shall purchase for resale liquors or beverages from wholesalers or others not having a license in said City of Las Vegas, or shall purchase any liquor or beverage upon which said excise tax of 4 cents per gallon, as in this ordinance provided, has not been paid, than such dealer shall pay such tax in addition to the license fee. Any retail liquor or beverage dealer purchasing liquors or beverages other than from a regularly licensed wholesale dealer in said City of Las Vegas, shall, in addition to the other requirements in this ordinance contained, keep full true and correct books of account, in the same manner as required by wholesalers, as set out in the last preceding paragraph hereof, and shall pay to the City said additional tax monthly, at the time and in the manner as hereinbefore mentioned; and said books so kept shall be open to inspection by the Board of City Commissioners or by any person by them authorized and designated. Section 12. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm, corporation, co-partnership, association, social club, or association of persons of any kind whatsoever, owning, conduct- ing, or having charge of the business of a retail liquor or beverage establishment, or any employee of the same, to sell, serve or give away, or cause or permit to be sold, served or given away in any such establishment, or otherwise, or at all, at any one time or to or for the use of the same person, any of the liquors or beverages, as herein defined, in excess of 4 9/10ths gallons. Section 13. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm, corporation, co-partnership, association, social club, or association of persons of any kind whatsoever, owning, conducting, or having charge of the business of a wholesale liquor or beverage establishment, or any employee of the same, to sell, serve or give away or cause or permit to be sold, served or given away, any liquor or beverage as herein defined, dr to distribute the same, except in quantities of not less than five (5) gallons, and in sealed or unbroken packages or in kegs. Section 14. No person, firm, corporation, co-partnership, association, social club, or association of persons of any kind whatsoever, shall be granted both a retail and a whole­sale license at one and the same time; and no person, firm, corporation, copartnership, association, social club, or association of persons of any kind whatsoever, having a whole­sale liquor or beverage license, shall sell any of the liquor or beverages herein mentioned