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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    Las Vegas Valley Water District June 14, 1954 District in making an orderly transition in management„ We have indicated a willingness to permit the District to temporarily use the present quarters and office facilities of the Water Company for a reasonable compensation, and to have the benefit of the services of such of the employees of the Water Company as care to work for the District. We will also be very glad to permit our Acting Manager, Mr. Maag, to remain for a reasonable period, at the expense of the District, in order to assist Mr. Renshaw in familiarizing himself with the management of the properties. Our willingness to cooperate with the District as above indicated has been on the assumption that the District is willing to cooperate with us in effectuating the transfer at an early date. Yours very truly, (Signed) WM. R E IN H A R D T Wm. Reinhardt Personal CCs Mro Thomas A. Campbell 135 South 4th Street - Las Vegas Mr. Spencer L. Butterfield 1415 Francis Avenue - Las Vegas Mr. G. William Coulthard 310 Freemont - Las Vegas Mr. Harry E„ Miller 900 South 5th Street ?=» Las Vegas Mr. James Cashman, Sr. 118 North Main Street ~ Las Vegas Mr. C. Norman Cornwall 23 Freemont - Las Vegas Mr. James A. Montgomery 15 North Oakland Ave - Pasadena,Calif. Mr. Franklin T. Hamilton 433 S . Spring St. Los Angeles 13 Mr. Leo McNamee 310 Freemont Las Vegas