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Mr. Jeffers* #3 Oet, 39, 1939 a portion of the water f r o ® W e l l Ho, 3 has b e e n d i v e r t e d for irrigation on our acreage n o w sown to alf a l f a toy t h e lessee* d u r i n g w i n t e r months. A long-range reclamation program of this kind w o u l d Increase the value of our acreage there and incidentally provide v e g e t a t i o n to prevent run-off of rainfall a n d other waters. O u r experience has b e e n that it Is not desirable to entirely shut off the flow f r o m a n y un d e r g r o u n d source* as this c a u s e s it to sand up* as d i d Hell # 2 the past year* a n d we were required to have equipment shipped f r o m hos A n g e l e s to c l e a n out carnet after this w a s done the flow res u m e d and has since b e e n increasing. Several years a g o we h a d a n occurr e n c e of this k i n d and w h e n the source w a s finally reope n e d it c a u s e d tone of sand in W a ll ‘# 1 t o a c c u m u l a t e in the settling basin* some of w h i c h e v e n found its way into our water mains a n d into th'e injectors of locomotives. 4, 4 * 0 0 0 ft. cement pipe line from take-off at Stewart and M a i n Streets to Olarke Ranch, $3*500, f h e new IB-inch iron main entering at O g d e n Street is not toeing installed to furnish the Ranch or b u r i a l plot w i t h water, b u t to af f o r d a n a d d i tional inlet to serve the City. Under the present arrangement, there is only one inlet t o the Oity, w h i c h is at Olark Street* a n d in c a s e of sabotage or accident the entire c i t y would b e without water. Most of our compla i n t s regarding low w a t e r pressure dur i n g the hot summer months, come from the southern part of the oity, and w i t h the n e w m a i n coming In at Ogden Street it w a s our thought this would s u p p l y most of the busi n e s s district, leaving moat of the supply f r o m the Olark Street m a i n for use in the southern part of the City* W h i l e it is u n d o u b t e d l y true that 6 3 $ of the water from the spil l w a y is lost be seepage, a n d evaporation during summer mon t h s a n d before it reaches the Ranch* it appears that the larger part of this is lost b e f o r e it reaches the North M a i n Street bridge, because east of that point we have out a new c h a n n e l w i t h the dragline to afford the water a rapid flow and di v e r t It a w a y from the tullleries and w e e d s w h i c h formerly caueed the h e a v y seepage f r o m creek* and this baa b e e n very successful. 5* Purchase of a n additi o n a l 200 acres* $4*000. Confirming m y telegram October 28th t o Mr. Strong, copy to Mr. Aehby, the moat important parcel we should acquire