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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    So -ffe f b« aAjOtt»<4 f«fuUl of fcfes B«%ii of Biroototo of l«o Tog* a Load aad lat«f CfiKp&ay, oloetod of regular annual ooof lag of lorooOwr t M U $ 1834, fo? fit# •ftMiftl ytfti, «»• httlA li officoo of tha ooapaay,-rooa I M Poelfl# Blootrio Building, too Angoloo, C«2 iforain, of 11*00 XorooBor 14th, 2024. Ptoooat: 7. H. KstiokorBookOf ? low-President B* 1. Soaaott Bit© ©tor 1C*. 1B.. AG dasa araadoa DDiirreeccttoorr ItotBtt «• 8* Joffoto Proa Ido at «• 8. Braalen Vice- Pr©» 1 M On oof loo Only ooeondod, 7* i* Caiofcothookor woo oloatod Otkoiraaa, nod C. 1* Blooo, Soorotaty of tfe# oootlag* Cfeaitaaa anaoaaood firat ©rdwr of fcuolnaoo Oofoto tho «oo*» log OOO ttloofloo Of off loo to of tfcO ©OtSM*t*ti <3», OO pravldad iff th© By*la«o, to ootvo Out log U t taoiteg y© at* 0a notion duly aoooudol, V« X* Joffor© waa oloefod t# too offloo of Prooidoat* On aotioa duly ao««aOad, 7* 8. KaiafcorbooMt woo «2«etod fo off loo of f l©#~Pr©«id«a%. On t # U # Aitli aooondod, V* I. Btooton woo ©2©«t©d to off lot of Vio«-Pjre»ld*»t. On motion duly woeondad, C* B. 81 ©o r woo olooiod to off low of Ssoxot&ry* Oa aoiioa duly »©eo&d©:*, 0* B. Battnal woo »l»otwd i© off lot of A«alotant 8#«r»t<»ry* Oa •olIon duly «©©oad©d, f • 7* Ttuolooo woo olootwd to offloo of Ttooooiot# Oa aotloa duly •©eoadoO, S. B» Coo tad w»» olootad to of flow Of Auditor* OBoitooa th#a auaouaood «2«etloa of oa I * out it* Seoulito* •a* la otdot* fBotoagtoa, oa aotioa duly aoeeadod, 1* M* J©ff«ro, aa Cfealtaaa, 7* 1* lalokotBootor wad £• 8. Conrad wot# oloetod ooaOwto of the I n a t U v t Coaalttoo • Mi&utos of la«t *©«tli>g of Board of Bltoetor# 8*24 BoptosBor lftfe, 1924. wort toad, and approved* *!•