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A PPEN D IX A Water F a cilitie s and d e liv er water as p rov id ed in this subparagraph, said W ater D is tr ict shall, at the tim es and in the m anner p rovid ed in said a greem en t, be paid a p ortion of the total actual co st of operatin g and m a in taining said Water F a c ilitie s , excepting that no charge fo r d ep recia tion or a m ortization shall be included in said total. Said p ortion shall be d eterm in ed b y e sta b lish ing said total actual co s t of operating and m aintaining the entire W ater F a c ilitie s and b y deducting th e r e fr o m the s e rv ic e ch arges due fr o m the W ater D is tr ict, said s e rv ic e ch arges of the W ater D is tr ic t to be d e te r m ined as p rov id ed in the foreg oin g a greem en t. In addition to said p ortion , and as to all w ater pum ped and d e liv e re d to con su m ers other than the W ater D is trict, the Water D is tr ict shall be paid the p u rch ase p r ic e of said water (sa id p u rch ase p r ic e being p a y able to the State fo r the d e liv e ry of w ater fr o m s t o r age in Lake Mead) and the co st of e le c t r ic en ergy used in the w ork of pum ping and d eliv erin g said w ater to said con su m e rs. In the event of op eration and m aintenance of the W ater F a c ilitie s b y the W ater D is tr ict, the Water D is tr ic t shall, at the req u est of and in a cco rd a n ce with the d ire ctio n s of State of N evada or G en eral S e rv ic e s A dm in istration , ren d er b ills and make co lle c tio n s fr o m con su m ers fo r the d e liv e ry of w a te r. (2) G en eral S e rv ice s A dm in istration and the State of N evada agree to take any m ea su res w hich m ay be n e c e s s a r y to obtain fo r said BMI a good and su fficien t title to or easem ents in, o v e r, a c r o s s or under any lands req u ired fo r the op era tion and m aintenance of any p ortion of the W ater F a c ilitie s re q u ire d to d eliv er water fo r and on beh alf of the W ater D is tr ict. (3) Any n otice, dem and or req u est, re q u ire d or authorized b y the fo reg oin g agreem en t to be given or m ade upon G en eral S e rv ic e s A dm in istration shall be d e liv e re d , or m a iled postage p rep aid , to G en eral S e rv ic e s A dm in istration , G eneral S e rv ic e s A d m in istration B uilding, E ighteenth and F S treets NW, W ashington, D .C . , with a duplicate t o ______________ or to the State of N evada, ca re of the S e cre ta ry of the C olora d o A - 19-