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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    Ill £ 1 2 3 4 5 6 f 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 BEFORE THE PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION W HEVABA. m » MATTER OF XPCREASED RATES PHI© } 1 I. it i| Docket go, BY LAS VSOAS LAID AMD HATER , ) fcga PETITIOH FOR RKOOISXPgRAflOg wm* **»* »? LAS WAS LAUD AID HATER COjfPAMY. Xw p«tiUi»«r, La# VtgM Land and Hater Company resp«ot« fhlly petition# the Honorable Public Service Cosmic elan of Itndt to reconaider it* opinion, order end decision made and decided August 23, 1031, la the above entitled natter, and particularly th# following portion# of «#id opinion, ardor and decision* (a) That port of tho Order reducing the reserve for re­placement cthsrwlse termed depreciation, from 0, the amount claimed by your petitioner, to 0t (b) . That pert, of the Order allowing year petitioner a valuation of only 16,000*00 for the water apprepri - a ted, owned and consumed and for water at ...all tinea available for diversion and application. to municipal neaa at Las Vegas, Nevada, by year, .petitioner; (c) That part ef the Order disallowing Rule 10 of year petitioner*a Rnlea and Regulation#, for the reasons stated in said Order| (d) That part of the Order reducing certain of the rates - as filed by petitioner; npen the following ground# i let. The uncontradicted testimony of your petitioner*! -1-