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I agree.SUi fi r LEMEMT A L ESCROW INoT AUCTION^ H e, U «t9 9 $ August m f 1W4 T o The r i m t N ATIO NAL BANK OF N f V.ABA L a# V e g a *, N evada The undersigned have agreed that the Final Purchase F ries tv he paid the LAh VEGAS LAM© AND WATER COMPANY for the transfer of the Lae Vegas water system to the LAS VEGAS V A LLE Y WATER DISTRICT is $2,317*274.9$. On July 1, i f §4, you paid to Las Vega* Land and Water Company from said escrow the Preliminary Perehaae trice of $2,299,029.$4, leaving a balance due the Las Vegas Land and Water Company of $18,245.29, Inasmuch as the general and special state, county and city taaes levied and assessed for the calendar year 1954 upon the property referred to la Section I of the hale Agreement have not yet been determined, the undersigned have agreed to prorate such tanas outside of escrow in accordance with the provisions of Paragraph IX of the original Escrow Instruction* dated June 21, 1954, as soon as the amount of said taxes has been, determined. Therefore, in accordance with Paragraph VII of the original Escrow Instructions, you are instructed to disburse the Purchase Price Adjustment Fund of $176,016. 54 a* follows: