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    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1 2 13 14 15 16 17 IS IE 2 C 2 ] 2 i 2 < 2 * 2 ! 2( AMENDMENT TO ESCROW INSTRUCTIONS Escrow No* /cZ-/?Q^f June 21, 1954 To the FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF NEVADA, Las Vegas, Nevada: The Escrow Instructions dated June 21, 1954 (hereinafter referred to as ’’Original Escrow Instructions'*), from the undersigned for the transfer of the Las Vegas water system to the Las Vegas V a l ­ley Water District are hereby amended as follows and upon the fol­lowing conditionsi (l) Wherever the Preliminary Purchase Price of $2,317,663*43 is referred to in the Original Escrow Instructions, It is hereby amended to read $2,299*029*64. Wherever the Purchase PrlGe Adjustment Fund of $157,382.75 is referred to in the Original Escrow Instructions, it is hereby amended to read $176,016.54. It is also agreed be­tween the undersigned that the final Purchase Price to be paid the Las Vegas Land and Water Company In accordance with Paragraph VII of the Original Escrow Instructions shall not Include any amounts charged to Investment Ac­count by the Las Vegas Land and Water Company as a dona­tion during the period, September 1, 1952, to and includ- Ing the Sale Date with respect to additions and better­ments to or extensions of its distribution system made during the period of September 1, 1952, to the Sale Date under contracts made pursuant to Rule 9 of the Rules and Regulations of the Water Department of the Las Vegas Land 1