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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    A V ' S , (9 o P Y) PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION of Nevada Carson City January 10, 1928 Mr. C. C. Barry, Auditor, las Vegas Land & Water Co., 573 Pacific Electric Building, Lo's Angeles, California. Dear Sir: Please refer to the annual report of the Las Vegas Land and Water Company for the year ended December 31* 1926. Account No. 12 on General Balance Sheet for the Las Vegas Land and Water Company shows an investment in the water system at Las Vegas of $20,050.74. Account No. 753.4, mainten­ance of distribution mains, on Page 12 oi7 the report is shown as $17,543.99. It appears to us that some explanation is necessary. Why should a system valued at only $20,000.00 require $17,000.00 maintenance in one year. We would ask that you make such explanation of the item as is available from your records. You will note that for the preceding year the mainten­ance of distribution mains was $1,381..75. Without this item of $17,000.00 for maintenance of distribution mains the system would show a profit of approximately $7,000.00. ' We would ask that you advise with regard 704 on Page 11 of the report, which is an item of $t2o, 40A0c.c0o0u nt No. covering water purchased for resale. Please advise from whom this water was purchased and on what basis. We would also ask that you furnish this commission with a map of the City of Las Vegas designating thereon the distribution mains owned by the Las Vegas Land and Water Company, together with character of the pipes, the size, and the date installed. Thanking you for your early attention to the above request, we are Very truly yours, PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION OP NEVADA (SGD) Prank B. Warren Secretary PBW:CH