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? • ' - . . _ » ASSIGNMENT OF MONIES (Specific) FOR VALUE RECEIVED, the undersigned DESERT PARK, INC., a Nevada Corporation ™ ^ aftSfT ?alle? ^ssifnor> hereby assigns, transfers and sets over to FIRST NEVADA, a National Banking Association, hereinafter called Bank, all monies n oNwA TdIuOeN AoLr BwAhNiKc h OmFa—y hereafter become due from: LAS VEGAS VAT.T.RY WATER DISTRICT under the following described contracts and/or purchase orders: NUMBER DATE AMOUNT "N" L.D. No. 2744, dated November 12, 1953, covering installation of water mains in Blocks 2, 6, and 7 of Desert Park Subdivision No. 3, Las Vegas, Clark County, Nevada. Assignor hereby constitutes and appoints Bank its true, lawful and irrevocable attorney to demand, receive and enforce payments and to give receipts, releases, satisfactions for and to sue for all monies payable to the Assignor and this may be done either in the name of ^if et.h^i?sS lagsnsoifg nomre nt had nn£o™t e beoef n tmhaed eB.a nkA wniyt ahn dth ea llsa mmoe nifeosr ceo r apnady meefnftesc tw hasi cthh me aAys sbieg nroecre icvoeudl d bdvo the Assignor to which the Bank is entitled under and by reason of this assignment will be received by Assignor as trustee for the Bank, and will be Immediately delivered in kind to Bank without commingling. Assignor hereby represents and warrants to the Bank that the monies above assigned have not heretofore been alienated or assigned. ^ assignment is irrevocable and shall remain in full force and effect until its release m writing by Bank. Notice of this assignment may be given at the option of the Bank. That the general nature of the business out of which such accounts arise or are to arise I s Jfater Contracts ,y , and such business is or will be carried on at 919 W. Bonanza Street Las Vegas , Nevada. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, ...5th day August the Assignor has caused its name to be subscribed hereto’ this' t T9 60 • JDESERT PARK .- INC LAS VEGAS VALLEY WATER DISTRICT 919 W. Bonanza Rd., Las Vegas. Nevada. Name and address of payer under contract or purchase order. (Title) Please take notice that monies due or to become due under the above referred to contract or purchase order have been assigned to the undersigned and payments thereunder should be made to the Bank at the branch and address indicated below. recei. pt, an^d 1d®auflye srifgtun™ed by tthhee puenrdseorns iagcnkendo wtlheed geinncgl orseecde icpotp yo no fb ethhailsf nooft itchee sahdodwriensgs eteh.e date of Third and Fremont No. 12 (Branch) Las Vegas, Nevada (Address) Yours very truly, By FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF NEVADA Assistant Cashier RECEIPT IS HEREBY ACKNOWLEDGED of the above notice and a copy of the above-mentioned instrument of assignment, and payments thereunder will be made to Bank. These were received on August 8____________ , I9 6 0 . Contract Balance $ 12.006.44 . LAS VEHGA S VALLEY^/ATER? DISTRAICT N-U69X 7“58 W . C . Kenshaw C h ie f Eng meer & G eneral Manager ----- y