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I agree.LAS YE©AS PIPE LINE: Cast Iron Pee for, BttSiSSlfPteiS LOS ANGELES, Jan.30-1918, File 613 I : MR. G. E. DREW: . * We are informed that it will be a.week or ten (10) days yet before the oast iron tee,to be need for the Las Vegas pipe line.will be delivered. As soon as the change has been made in the fire line and fire pump connections, you should connect the 8" line.from the new line, to the 8" line to the — V'"'" ' , IjgM FggiS&IgSfr ^ power house and test the new l ine und#e r~ this Working condition, I have instructed the Ice tSompany to remove their pump just as soon as possible, but their local representative tells me it will be several months before they can do this, so I think we should not wait for them to remove the pump before placing the new line in service* Yours truly. a m /ctrg Chief Engineer. U S