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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    L a s Y e g a s Review Journal-October 29, 1949 Vegas Water Problem Saidl Not Too Bad aiic wd-iei situation m tne Las Vegas valley is not critical, as ?yet, but easily can become so in the next four or five years, Hugh Shamberger, assistant state en­gineer told members of the Property Owners association of Las Vegas last night. Shamberger declared that, in his opinion, the wastage of water in this area was “ tragic’’ and said this probably was the main reason the water situation is in the condition it is. ? He urged the property owners to take immediate steps to cor­rect the wastage which has plagued the community practic­ally ever since it became a town. Harry E. Miller, president of the Las Vegas valley water dist­rict board, told the members of the association about the plans of the district for bringing Lake Mead water into the section, and said he' felt this was the only solution to the problem facing the valley and that all possible speed was being made to get the survey completed. <r