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I ll 1 GENERAL ADJUSTMENTS IN WAGES AND SALARIES BETWEEN BASE PERIOD AND JANUARY 25, -1951- With respect to the unit for uhich the increase is being reported. I f any general adjustments have been made which changed £mer,age straight-time earnings by one percent or more in the appropriate unit between January 15, 1950 and January 25, 1951, the table below is to be filled out. (This includes increases permitted to be placed in effect under General Wage Regulation 2 o f the Wage Stabilization Board.) I f none have been made, write *None* UNIT (i) DATE OF ADJUSTMENT (2) AVERAGE AMOUNT OF ADJUSTMENT FOR EMPLOYEES IN COL. 5 (Mark decreases with an asterisk) TOTAL NO. EMPLOY. EES DIRECTLY AFFECTED BY ADJUST-MENTS, AT TIME OF ADJUSTM(E5N) T TOTAL NO. EMPLOYEES ON PAYROLL IN ENTIRE UNIT ACTUALLY WORKING AT TIME OF ADJUSTMENT (6) WAGES-Cents per hour (3) SALARIES - Dollars per week or month. SpecifjM42__ I 0 1 1 IV - INCREASES IN WAGES, SALARIES, AND OTHER COMPENSATION BETWEEN JANUARY 25, 1951 AND TH E DATE OF THE INCREASES REPORTED IN SECTION V; Furnish the following information for each unit for Wkich increase^ Cdre being reported, i f hone, write “None*. I f any previous increases have been made under Regulation 6 for the units involved in this report give address of Wage and Hour office where report is filed. ^ UNIT (1) DATE OF INCREASE. (2) BASIS FOR INCREASE (3 ) AVERAGE AMOUNT OF INCREASE FOR EMPLOYEES IN COL. 6 NO. OF EMPLOYEES DIRECTLY AFFECTED BY INCREASE AT TIME OF INCREASE c (6) TOTAL NO. EMPLOYEES ON PAYROLL IN ENTIRE UNIT ACTUALLY WORKING "AT TIME OF INCREASE (7 ) WAGES - Cants par hour (4) SALARIES - Dollars per week or month. Specify (5i <1 I t . r -f zo , - p 1 i l' -rV -•1 - POPS *'J-C • - t 'n '3*. 1 ££ 5S J, ^ . r t *»’ _ u • , * ? , ^ --r ' i - q •; 3; c.-eTn -x-'; t'- CUR%EN J INCREASES UNDER REGULATION 6: With respect to the unit for whic,h adjustments^ under Regulation 6 are being reported^ tffh form' below is to be filled Out. The amount of each increase in wages or salaries or in other forms ^of'fcompeh-sation should be specified in column 3 or 4. Describe on attached sheet or sheets Ijhe nature and terms ‘o f each-increase listed in columns 3 and 4 below, the method of d^tribution, and the computation of the average. UNIT < 1) DATE OF INCREASE (2) AVERAGE AMOUNT OF INCREASE FOR EMPLOYEES IN COL. 5 NO. OF EMPLOYEES DIRECTLY AFFECTED BY INCREASE AT TIME OF INCREASE (S) TOTAL NO. EMPLOYEES ON PAYROLL IN ENTIRE UNIT ACTUALLY WORKING AT TIME OF INCREASE (6) WAGES • Cants par hour (3) SALARIES - Dollars per week or month. Srp ecifyu: (1) o ffi« 6 (2) Maintt 8 i Perce am Apr.1*1953 rnance Port Apr.8,1953 . Attendants 10.4# •. 11.3# - 6 8 6 8 V I - SIGNATURES OF PARTIES SUBMITTING REPORTS: This report should be signed by: (a) Both the employer (or his representative) and an official of any labor organization which is recognized or-certified as the representative o f any of the employees covered by this report (OR) (b) Only the employer ‘(or his representative) i f the employees covered by this^ report are hot represented-by a recognized or certified labor organization. &9o -'o'- cW m t M l (V.) Each of the undersigned certified that, on his best information, the answers contained in this form are complete and accurate. FOR THE EMPLOYER (Print name and title of official) i- Vice President . .Si g n a t u r e Eft C 1 mL ? C : , Cl SLATE ." , i n t e r n a t i o n a l labor un i on (Print name and title of official) LOCAL FOR THE LABOR ORGANIZATION (Print name and title) SIGNATURE DATE