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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    M r. t t a * R e in h a rd t • Bag# # 2 X aa advised W Mr. Oeopg# v«Ae, SHrwtap of Public* works far the City, that the City Coastissioaers h&ve authorised the City Attorney to file frigidly condemnation proceedings iigainet the L&a Vegan Laud and Mater Company and the Uhl on Pacific* Bail road Company in order that they g&gbl thereby secure a court order giving then immediate possession of the area covered by easements requested sc that the work of constructing the a ewers will not be interrupted. X- an also advised they hope the easements (sham In blue color oh the attached a&p can be secured prior to the tine they are required, thereby eliminating the necessity of condemnation proceedings, Xn view of the above, it is suggested th? t you night wish me to request Hr. Cory to prepare easements to the City which, of course, would be subject to our agreement with the District as contained In »0*L.B#«113&2 dated June 1, 1953* granting to the City easements across the property which it is proposed to sell to the District, copies of which x could then forward to til# District for their approval. The description# of the easements in which the Water District would be involved are contained in the City’s letter of February 3, 195h, as Parcels 1, 2 and 6. the balance of the easements requested in their letter, which are Parcel* 3, k and 5* wchld not require approval of the Mater District. Xf there is no objection to granting the easements requested by the City of Las Vegas, it will be appreciated if Mr. Bates will check the descriptions of the various parcels end advise Mr. Gary direct as quickly as possible. Xf we are to avoid condemnation proceedings it will, of course, be necessary to expedite the Mater District*» approvals and the preparation,of easements requested. Pleas# advise. L. R. Haag Attachments « 3 LBMUn Blind Note to Mr. Bennett: This matter was previously discussed between us, and I would appreciate it if you would discuss it with Mr. Reinhardt at your earliest convenience.