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    O f f ic e r s a n d D ir e c t o r s T H O M A S A . C A M P B E L L • P R E S ID E N T Svv E R L . B U T T E R F I E L D f > I C E - P R E S I D E N T LAS VEGAS VALLEY WATER DISTRICT W I L L I A M C O U L T H A R D S E C Y . - T R E A S . 9 0 0 S O U T H 5 T H S T R E E T H A R R Y E. M I L L E R L A S V E G A S . N E V A D A J A M E S C A S H M A N J O H N B U N C H C. Norman Cornwall T e l e p h o n e 5 9 2 0 May 18, 1954 Mr. Win. Reinhardt, Vice-President Las Vegas Land and Water Company Union Pacific Railroad 422 West Sixth Street Los Angeles 14, California Dear Mr. Reinhardt: At an adjourned metting of the District held yesterday afternoon, Monday, May 17, the matter of taking over the general office, clerical and other personnel of the Las Vegas Land and Water Company was the subject of con­siderable discussion. It is the concensus of the directors that the District desires to take over as many of the employees of the water company in all categories and classifications as you are in position to and disposed to release for this purpose. To date no definite arrangements to this end have been undertaken by the District directly with any of your personnel, because it is our feeling that the matter should first be taken up with you in this manner. Any announce­ment that you may see fit to make to the water company personnel in this connection will be perfectly satisfactory to the District. However, if you would prefer the District to make direct contact with your employees we shall be glad to do so upon receipt of advice and permission from you to that end. Very sincerely yours, LAS VEGAS VALLEY WATER DISTRICT. BY.________________________ Thomas A. Campbell, President