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Los Angeles, M a y 11, 1941 W M J - On Lin© J-82. W O - 1537 prov i d e d for drilling new wells Nos. 3 and 4, r e c o n d i t i o n i n g No. 2, cleaning out middle spring, constn of spring house, etc., and acquisition of 200 acres. In v i e w of studies made b y T a y l o r & Taylor and Geologist Greene of entire Las Vegas water situation under direction of Mr. Reinhardt, I have not actively participated in direction of work u n d e r this WO or in negotiations and discussions in connection therewith. I have f r e q u e n t l y discussed matters in general w a y w i t h WR and WRB, and in connection w i t h this w o r k was aware of only a few rather minor matters In w h i c h there was any difference of opinion. Believe that W R B did not concur in exact location re c o m m e n d e d by Greene for one of these wells and o b j e c t e d to proposal of W R to cement off the bottoms of wells and to install control valves. As to middle spring, W R B felt that the expenditure could b e deferred u n t i l business improved, but W R in view of efforts to cause others to stop was t i n g w a t e r felt that runoff from this spring s h o u l d b e controlled soon as possible. Spring area was c l e a n e d out and spring house constructed, but so far the water cannot be u t i l i z e d because of presence of organic matter.