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    '?33| Under Permit No...l2460„ PROOF OF APPLICATION OF WATER TO BENEFICIAL USE DEPOSITION OF PERMITTEE Note—Questions 1 to 12, Inclusive, most be answered regardless of the purpose for which your permit for water has been granted. I f this proof is made for irrigation purposes, a cultural map showing actual boundaries of land irrigated, together with classes of culture, etc., must accompany same, unless such map has already been filed. (See Sec. tW, Chapter 140, Statutes 1913.) Question 1. What is your name, occupation, and post-Wm. Reinhardt, Vice-President office addr4es2s2? West 6th Street Answer: 8®-.? Lfthd. and Wftt£T. Company., ____Loa Angela a 1 4 , CaUfnrnis yourQ auuetshtoiroint y2 .f oArr aec ytionug aicnt iintsg bienh ablefh.alf of a corporation? If so, state its name, place of business, and 401 South Second St. Answer: Yea - Las Vegas Land and Water Company,.. Las Vegas.,Uav-ada.,___ Question 3. What is the number of the permit under which this proof is made? Answer. 12460 . Question 4. From what source do you obtain your water supply? Answer: U n d e r s o u r C . e . lil .the Lafl Vegas Artea lan Baa In Question 5. What is the name of the canal, conduit, or other works by which water is conducted to Its place of use? Water Is conducted from well thru 107 feet of 2B pipe and by a °P®n ditches to a 115,000 gallon capacity earth reservoir from AnswQeures* tiwohni 6c. hA rei ty out st:h ed plesrtsorni tbou wtheodm" tbhye pseyrmsitte wma's o irss uIe'd^ ?r lIgfa tno'tl,b 'shni "ted ihotwc hyeous 'o'bttaoi'nceudl i't,t uraalrea • giving the succession of title. Answer: ...„P e.rm,i.t was ..issued ..t.o...Las Vegas .Land..andJffater...Company.,4L0a1a. s2sn, dN Setv. • < If assignments of title are not on file in the office of tbe State Engineer, the certificate will issue to the original applicant.) Question 7. For what purpose are you using the water for which you are now making proof? Answer: Irrigation, of .cuLti^^ crop.. ________________ and bQeuneesfitciioanl l8y. uHseodw f omra tnhye cpuubripco sfeee fto pre wrh sieccho tnhdi so fp rwoaotfe ri,s omra fdrea c?tion thereof, have you actually diverted ( Actual measurement of water shall be given. 40 miners’ inches equals 1 cubic foot per second. 1 miners’ inch equals 11.21 gallons per minute. 448.83 gallons per mluote equals 1 cubic foot per second.) Answer: ... Q «11 SCCDnd feet.._______ _____ ___ _________________________ Question 9. State the period during the year when water has been beneficially used. Answer: Janaary, 1 to and incladlng December SI. ________________ is maQduee?s tiIofn s o1,0 .m aDkoe y poruo dpievre retx palnanda utisoen m.ore water at periods than granted in the permit for which proof Answer:___ I?--------------------------------------------------------------J wereQ tuaeksetni oann 1d1 .t hGei nvea mdeat aen wdh aednd rweastse ro fm epearssuornesm wenhtos m waedree ttahkee mn,e atshuer peomienntt ast. which such measurements Answer: ...M§A.9Am§53»Ji1;...wjRfl...taken .Marcb.,.27^. .1952,, Well Supervisor, Laa Vegas Artesian Basin, Laa Vcgaa,