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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    Las Vegas • September 1?* 1951 Mr* P. a* M artini We are con tin u a lly receiving complaints fro® residents in the W estleign and West Charleston a im due to inadequate water pressure* This morning between fs 00 A.M. and 8 A.M* DST* we bad at le a st 10 calls* s^klng when water would be turned on* Upon In ve stiga tio n I fin d that Pumper Roper a t 5*45 A*M. 3f o r 6:45 A.M* M T found 23# pressure a t Charleston Reservoir and boosted pressure tip to 30#. However, when Mr. Hamlin a rrive d at the re se rvo ir a t 6:30 A.M ST {17:30 B it ) he found only 17# w ith one pump on and valve p a rtly restricted* From 6 A.M* to 8100 A*H* DST is one o f the c r it ic a l periods due to heavy demand and in va ria b ly each morning the pressure in the area is allowed to drop below 29# w ith the re s u lt the residents In th is area are without water* I t is my recommendation that a t le a s t one pump w ith valve wide open be operated a t a l l times {except In emergencies) a t the Charleston Reservoir and that the pumps and valves a t the Clarfc Reservoir be regulated so as to balance the operation so that necessary pressure be maintained in the downtown area* w* 11* Johnson