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    LAS VEGAS LAND AND WATER COMPANY Supplementary Statement No. 1 shoeing detail of amounts expended for Construction of Additions and Betterments to Water Production Faci­lities during the period September 1, 1952 to April 30. 1954 to be added to the Basic Purchase Price, in accordance with provi­sions of Sections 9(a), 9(b) and 9(c) of the Contract. Work Order . No. Date of Comeletion 696 10-28-52 699 12-31-52 702 11-3-52 705 12-12-52 706 12-29-52 707 12-10-52 708 3- 2-53 709 5- 1-53 710 12-22-52 711 1-26-53 712 7- 1-53 719 2- 9-53 721 5- 2-53 722 3-18-53 726 5-15-53 727 10- 2-53 728 6-29-53 729 7-23-53 731 6- 5-53 732 5-20-53 733 5-20-53 734 6-29-53 736 6-15-53 739 7-31-53 740 7-31-53 7 a 7-20-53 744 9-29-53 746 10- 8-53 747 10- 5-53 750 8-28-53 751 8- 8-53 752 10- 5-53 753 8-26-53 754 10- 5-53 755 1-18-54 756 10- 5-53 757 12- 4-53 758 8-22-53 759 12- 2-53 760 9-21-53 761 1-14-54 762 11- 5-53 Total to January 31* 1954 Amount Expended under - 9 1 * 1 ___ 9(b)... $ 9 694.32 $ 4 279.69 1 476.33 4 274.32 31 275.12 3 863.78 4 749.00 464.09 789.37 774.41 $ 60 866.52 $ 774.41 Section - 9(c) Total $ $ 9 694.82 19 105.58 19 105.58 852.50 852.50 4 431.97 4 431.97 14 787.36 14 787.36 1 993.00 1 993.00 10 356.88 10 356.88 17 565.50 17 565.50 10 a 6.88 10 a 6.88 1 088.00 1 088.00 55 000.00 55 000.00 4 580.00 4 580.00 4 685.68 4 685.68 35 820.00 35 820.00 1 440.00 1 440.00 15 670.00 15 670.00 1 865.02 1 865.02 4 279.69 1 476.33 2 300.00 2 300.00 2 616.00 2 616.00 1 610.00 1 610.00 3 721.59 3 721.59 560.00 560.00 3 994.63 3 994.63 4 274.32 476.52 476.52 36 210.00 36 210.00 30 561.00 30 561.00 31 275.12 5 448.00 5 448.00 5 037.00 5 037.00 3 863.78 985.58 985.58 65 033.50 69 782.50 2 643.14 2 643.14 1 450.00 1 450.00 464.09 2 586.07 2 586.07 789.37 1 834.10 1 834.10 774.a $ 366 725.50 | 428 366.43