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    la aa4 a step-son who are the only legatees named in his Will* •• That the said decedent,Peter Clos, died testate in the County of Los Angeles,state of California,but at the time of his demise was,and for years prior thereto had been a resident of the City of Laa Vegas,Clark County,Nevada,and during all ouch time was domiciled in said Clark County,Nevada, and that ho left property in said Clark County,Nevada* 7* That said decedent,Peter Clos, left him surviving,the afore mentioned four half sisters and a step-son,who are the only legatees named in his said trill,and hence are entitled to share in his estate as follows; NAKBs Sophie litis, Bertha Katielvell, Louise Bsealller, Ralph Dow, Estelle Bsoalller. RELATIONSHIP Half-sistep, Salf-sister, Half-sister, Step-son, Half-sister. FBOFORTIUHATS SHAHS fen (#10*00) Collars, Ten (#10*00) Hollars, Ten (#10.00) Dollars, Ten (#10.00) hollars, All the rest,residue and remainder of said estate H A R R Y H. AUSTIN A T T O R N E Y -A T -LA W FRIED M AN BUILDING THIRD and FREM O NT L A S VEG AS, N E V A D A IT 13 THEREFORE ORDERED,ADJUDGED AN D DECREED That the Final A© count of said executrix be,and the same is hereby finally settled, allowed and approved* IT IS PURTitER ORDERED, ADJUDGED AMD DECREED That the sum of $387»63 for and on account of commission to said executrix for her services as such,be approved and allowed,and that the sum of #085*26 for and on account of legal services rendered by Harry a*Austin,as attorney for the estate,be approved and allowed, and said executrix Is hereby directed to pay unto herself,the said sum of #387.©3 and to the said Harry fi. Austin, the remaining balance due him, as shown by said Account, the sum of $435*20* IT Xi» FLRTHEfi ORDERED,ADJUDGED - AND DECIt&BD, that said executrix .pay unto Sophia Ruix, legate® named in said Kill, the sum of #10.00; unto Bertha Kattelwell,legatee named in said Will, the mm of $10.00